Thursday 20 February 2014

St Joes and Dyffryn Comprehensive School Champions

The final round of the Costain Secondary Schools League saw Dyffryn play against St Joes. This game turned out to be the deciding match with St Joes needing to win the game to win the Y7 title. The match was pretty even throughout, with a try being scored by each team in succession. Dyffryn held the lead at half time, winning 15-12. St Joes came out eager and a new side. Despite the great efforts at the ruck and tackle area by Dyffryn, St Joes managed to win the game 27-34. This game was the best game of the campaign. The game offered great attitude, competitiveness and plenty of skill. There we have it, St Joes are the winners of the Costain Y7 Wizards League. As you can see by the result above, the Y7 league has been very competitive, an objective achieved through the Junior School Wizards League.

Dyffryn ran away with the Y8 Secondary Schools Wizards League sponsored by Costain, winning 4 out of 4 games, racking up 183 points. Unfortunately, St Joes in this age group went without picking up a win, with Sandfields doing the double of St Joes. An excellent achievement by Dyffryn and they showed what a great side they are. Although school years is a number game and the roll over of children are different each year. The two leagues speak volumes in terms of what is happening in the Junior Schools. Since the development of the Wizards League in the Junior Schools, rugby has got stronger in Port Talbot—The Y7 program proves this.

A BIG thanks must go to Costains who have supported this program for its first year cycle . Costain have been influential in Port Talbot over the last four years constructing the ’Harbour Way’ which is the road connecting from Margam to Sandfields via the Steel Works. Costain have supported the development stages of the Junior School Wizards League for three years and have now committed in developing Secondary Schools rugby as a result of the growth of rugby in the Port Talbot area. Hopefully, Costain will continue to be involved at some level with sport in Port Talbot. Nevertheless, if not, Costain have done so much for the Port Talbot area in regards to sport. We should all be grateful to their enthusiasm and support.

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