Sunday 8 December 2013

Central Junior School Tour of Aberavon RFC

Aberavon RFC welcomed Central Junior School at the Talbot Athletic Ground last week which was primarily for a photo shoot for the TATA Steel program that I run in the community.

I took the Central Junior School Y4 children around the ground to show them what kind of activities go on. I showed them the dreaded scrummaging machine [not so dreading for me, as I do not do a lot on it ;)] and also showed them the 'tump'. Now the 'tump' is the green area behind the Pump Supplies stand where the players and I are not too fond of. Its a place where we get hampered with fitness training. I showed the children exercises that we do such as; farmers walk with a tractor tyre, tyre flipping and the infamous prowler pushes - 'death by prowler'. A few children were able to have a go too. They enjoyed this part and had fun with taking part, they also had lots of questions.

We continued around the ground, then stopping at the changing rooms where I took 10 children at a time into the changing rooms and gave them a feeling of what it was like to be there on a game day - telling them about the music, the jokes amongst the players [clean ones of course]. I also showed them the gym, where sometimes we go as a team to get fit using weights. I showed them different functional exercise that we use specific for rugby.

The children again had many questions which were very entertaining and interesting. I would say they had a very good time at Aberavon RFC and the 50+ children that took part were very well behaved and were a privilege to have at the club.

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