Friday 13 December 2013

Players Visit St Agnes Church

Today, Daryl Thomas [aka Trigger], Neil White [aka Chalky] and myself [aka The Swankman] visited St Agnes Church in Port Talbot to help the church put up their Christmas tree's and also to decorate our very own 'Wizards Tree'.

Chris Davies [left] and Neil White place star on Wizards Tree
The idea was put forward from Allison Murray and Mair John that each player of Aberavon RFC would bring in a black or red decoration for a Christmas tree and then decorate a tree in St Agnes. So ... today along with Mair and Katie John we went to work.

Daryl Thomas and Neil White help put up Christmas Trees

Still trying to put up 1 of 6 trees
All together we put up around 6 trees for other members of the church to decorate and of course our own tree. I must be honest, I did not do much as Daryl and Neil had it all covered, they were enjoying their time. I swept the floors and watched haha.

The trees were real pine trees that needed to be placed in buckets and filled with stones. At the end, the Church looked really nice and ready for Christmas. It was great to be involved in a community event like this and it was also great to see members of the Port Talbot community pulling together.

Another tree done and that lady has my broom
Thanks to Mair, Katie and Allison for helping out today and also to Neil and Daryl for their work also. A big thank you to the St Agnes Church for a warm welcome and their hospitality. Hope to see you all again soon.

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