Monday 18 November 2013

Future of Welsh Rugby: BACKLASH

My article in the last Wizards Community Magazine caused some interesting influx of emails sparking interesting debates. Also I conversed a lot with close friends and family regarding the article also. Interestingly enough, what came to the front of the debates was a wide range of opinions, beliefs and desires which in all honesty was the purpose of the article. The article was questioned by a few to be negative towards ’grass roots’ rugby, but I would totally disagree. The main purpose really was do Wales need to rethink the way we capture and develop grass roots rugby to keep in front of the global rise in rugby participation. Let me give you something to think about again, to illustrate what my point was. Wales have played Japan 9 times in a capped test match, with Wales winning 8 games out of the 9. Wales have on 7 occasions put 50+ points on Japan with a 98-0 win in 2004. However, in 2013 Wales narrowly beat Japan 18-22 and then lost in the 2nd test match 23-8. We can all begin the excuses now, [1] it was in Japan [2] main players were in Australia with the Lions [3] other main players were either rested or left behind [4] not enough preparation time was allocated before the tour [5] the players were all youngsters … I could keep going. The facts again do not lie. Since the first game against Japan in 1993 and with Wales winning comfortably in all games—20 years on, Japan are challenging, Japan won. This is my point. Imagine another 20 years? Not just for Japan, but for Russia, USA and China. With global developments in rugby is amazing for the game of rugby, but we must be wary of the future and not become complacent. Briefly, what also came from the article was the preference for school children to be subjected to ’Sport for All’ where there should be opportunities for all children to play sport with competition being non important, or the ’competitive’ root where winning is the in the highest of importance. This is something that can be for your own deliberation. Which root is best can be debated all day, benefits of both great but also negatives of both can also be identified. The most important action we all take is getting as many children playing rugby and into the local community clubs. Which is very difficulty in this current society that we live in today.
Results [Wales] V Japan - The last 10 years
15th June, 2013—Japan 23 V 8 Wales
8th June, 2013—Japan 18 V 22 Wales
20th Sept, 2007—Wales 72 V 18 Japan
26th Nov, 2004—Wales 98 V 0 Japan
17th June, 2001—Japan 30 V 53 Wales
10th June, 2001—Japan 10 V 64 Wales
9th Oct, 1999—Wales 64 V 15 Japan
27th May, 1995—Wales 57 V 10 Japan
16th Oct, 1993—Wales 55 V 5 Japan

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