Tuesday 19 November 2013

Wizards League [Secondary Schools - Round 3]

The secondary schools Wizards League has completed its first phase of competition with all schools playing against each other at least once. St Joes beat Cymmer 0-54 [Y7], whilst a bye was given in the Y8 game resulting in Cymmer taking the game 30-0. Glanfields and Dyffryn [Y7] was a great game to watch. Glanfields were leading 36-5 until 10 minutes left of time, where they battled back to 36-22. In Y8 Dyffryn were the victors winning the game 14-22. There has been some very strong games on show this term with some exceptional players featuring in each game. Prospects are very high for the town in terms of rugby, all that need to happen is for the schools and the pupils to keep playing consistently. The teachers have worked extremely hard to arrange games and get the game played. Without the efforts of the teachers, this would not go ahead. Teachers are vital.

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